This section contains links to useful resources (reading materials and universal supports), videos and webinars that can help parents support their child. They include local resources, made by CDNT team members., and links to third-party resources.
Disclaimer: Links to third-party articles and/or websites are for general information purposes only and are not an endorsement of any product or service. The other parties are responsible for the content on their website(s).
St Michael’s House has created a Sleep Kit resource for anyone who would like to learn more about how to improve their sleep, or the sleep of someone they care for.
Information for parents and carers covering Social Protection, Health Service Executive, Education, Housing and Revenue.
Free 1-hour webinar containing a masterclass on GLT (gestalt language development).
This free masterclass is designed for parents and professionals who want a basic introduction to echolalia and gestalt language development (delayed echolalia is the first stage!). We will also discuss how child-led therapy can help support this type of language development.
Information on payments for parents and carers covering:
- Social Protection
- Health Service Executive
- Education
- Housing
- Revenue
Updated following the October 2024 Budget.