There is a close link between Disability Advocacy and AT. It is everyone's responsibility to advocate for the rights of people with disabilities to have access to the technology they need. This right is outlined in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
AT is also frequently the key element in empowering people to become advocates for themselves and their peers. Self-advocates are often the most effective people to achieve change in their own lives.

FreedomTech is an advocacy partnership established by Enable Ireland and the Disability Federation of Ireland. For more on Technology and Advocacy please see our FreedomTech website or follow @FreedomTech_IRL on Twitter.
This FreedomTech Digital Assistive Technology submission has been shared with the team finalising the National Disability Strategy and reflects FreedomTech’s priorities in relation to the development of a national AT ecosystem.

This discussion paper was researched, written and published jointly by Enable Ireland and the Disability Federation of Ireland in 2016. It outlines a vision for the development of a national Assistive Technology ecosystem for Ireland. A second edition of this Discussion Paper is in development.
CHAT is a community of practice driven by people who share a passion and believe in the transformative effect that assistive technology has on individual’s lives. There is a national membership of over 200 people and organisations. This includes people with disabilities (expert and non-expert AT users), AT practitioners, researchers, educators, service providers, developers, suppliers, and other interested parties. CHAT meets regularly both in person and online. They are always interested in welcoming new members to share, teach and learn about digital AT. See here for details of upcoming meetings.