AT Training

Our National AT training service develops and delivers a wide range of training, primarily online as well as in person. Here is an overview of the different training options which may interest you. 

Upcoming AT Training

please scroll below for information and enrolment details on upcoming AT training which may be of interest to you.

If you would like to be added to the AT Mailing List, please email to confirm.

AT to Support Neurodiverse Learners in the Classroom

Enable Ireland’s National AT Training Service will be running a series of webinars to support neurodiverse learners in the classroom.

AT to Support Neurodiverse  Learners in the Classroom – Aimed at both specialised Autism classrooms and mainstream, primary and secondary.      
Resources for the classroom – Apps around visual scheduling, AAC Apps (overview, including PECS), social stories, modelling, timetables and organisation, home - school communication, sound sensitiveness.
Live online, 30 minute webinars X 4
Dates:  16th, 17th, 18th & 19th September
Time:  1 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Session 1:   Visual Scheduling and organisation
Session 2:   Alternative and Augmentative Communication
Session 3:   Social Stories
Session 4:   Sensory management            
*You can book webinars individually at a cost of €15 each or book all four to avail of a discounted rate of €50*
Please  click on enrolment links below to reserve your space:-

AT to Support Neurodiverse Learners WEBINAR BUNDLE OFFER
AT to support Neurodiverse Learners SESSION 1 VISUAL SCHEDULING
AT to Support Neurodiverse Learners SESSION 2 AAC
AT to Support Neurodiverse Learners SESSION 3 SOCIAL STORIES
AT to Support Neurodiverse Learners SESSION 4 SENSORY MANAGEMENT




Learning with Assistive Technology in Primary Education Course

We are delighted to share with you details of our upcoming ‘Learning with Assistive Technology in Primary Education Course.  EPV SUMMER 2024’.

Registration is now open on Enable Ireland’s Assistive Technology Learning Portal To register for the course, you will first need to create an account. If you don’t already have an account on, it’s quick and easy to create one.  You just need an email address. Look at the short video available through the link here. AND  then click this link to create your account.

We use the Stripe online payment system. The short video linked here walks through what to expect when purchasing a course on


Assistive Technology Assessment 2024 (3, 10, 17 & 24 September 2024)

This four-week course is designed to build skills and knowledge in the area of digital assistive technology assessment. 

Participants on the course will require a basic knowledge of assistive technology products, have experience of supporting AT users or a therapeutic background. Participants will be required to have identified a case study to report on as part of this course.

On completion of this course, participants will be able to:
•    Identify the key stages and factors included in a comprehensive AT assessment
•    Understand the main models of AT assessment and their components
•    Apply the skills and knowledge gained through eLearning and webinars to a case study
•    Develop skills required to document assessments.

On successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded a Moodle badge – Enable Ireland Assistive Technology Assessment.

Click here for further course information and to enroll.


Enable Ireland’s AT Team frequently host webinars on various areas of digital AT from specific solutions to more general themes like AT Assessment or AT for Literacy. Webinars are usually recorded and made available on our YouTube Channel. See below to access the recordings of pervious webinars. 


There are a range of courses available via our AT Learning Platform at Some courses are completely free and self-directed. For example, we offer courses that focus on AT for leisure (music, gaming, and photography), literacy support and productivity (StudySmart). Others are more in-depth, have an enrolment fee and require more commitment in time and schedules. For example, the Learning with AT–Primary Education course aimed at parents, teachers, and special needs assistants (SNA). See below for an up-to-date list of courses. 

Foundations in Assistive Technology is a 5 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) course accredited by Technological University Dublin. The course is delivered via 11 webinars (3.5 hours per webinar).

In total, the time commitment is 100 hours:  11 x 2.5 hour webinars (27.5 hrs) PLUS 72.5 hours e-learning which includes completion of your course project.

Course participants are strongly advised to secure protected time from their managers prior to registration, to enable them to successfully complete this course.

You will get the chance to hear from, and interact with, national and international AT experts, AT users and professionals working in the field. We will also use online collaboration tools to support group work, problem-solving and case studies throughout the course.

Dates for 2025 Foundations in AT Course have now been agreed.  Please contact Shirley for further information on course content and enrolment etc.

Foundations in AT Course 2024 Testimonials

‘I just wanted to reach out and thank you for your contributions in delivering a course that far outweighed my expectations.

You did such a great job from Karl’s expertise, Juliann's excellent delivery with humour and your enthusiasm to support all in the chat Mary.  Siobhan thanks a million for getting a brilliant team together. I learned so much and will share every last drop of the knowledge that I have gained from this course.  Thank you all for a massive part of my professional development’.

'I found the course excellent and the facilitators so helpful. I have learned so much and delighted I did the course'.

‘I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the invaluable support and guidance you provided during the Assistive Technology course. Your advice and encouragement played a significant role in motivating me to pursue a career in this field.

I am thrilled to share the news that I have been offered and accepted a position as an Assistive Technology Specialist. I have already started and am currently going through the onboarding and training process.

I am excited about the opportunity to make a positive impact in the area of assistive technology and AAC in Ireland. I look forward to applying the knowledge and skills I gained from your course in this new role.

Thank you once again for your inspiration and support. I hope our paths cross again in the future’.

In-person Training

Enable Ireland’s National AT Training Service also run in-person training events, workshops, and user-led training. We host training provided by AT suppliers and manufacturers as well as other organisations working with Digital AT. See below for details of upcoming events. If you have a specific training need that you do not see listed, please contact us and we will see how we can assist you.