The focus of this service is to support individuals to live independently in their own home within their local community. Supports are targeted to individual need and are provided at the times required dependant on need and choice of the individual. Supports include assistance with personal care, shopping, meal preparation and household management. Individuals are also supported to access services in their community including various appointments and social and leisure activities.
Enable Ireland’s Community Living Service in Meath is delivered in partnership with the HSE and Cheshire Ireland. Assisted living support is provided on a 24-hour x 7-day-per-week basis, to 5 individuals living in the Bailis apartment complex.
This is a very progressive model of provision, providing person-centered, innovative response to the housing needs of adults with disabilities as an alternative to full-time residential care.

“I was almost 60 before I made my first cup of tea”. Mossie Forde tells how her life has changed for the better since moving to Enable Ireland's independent-living complex for people with disabilities in Co Meath.