AT stands for Assistive Technology (this links to the World Health Organization page on AT). Assistive Technology is any technology or service used by a person with a disability to help them complete a task or participate in an activity they would otherwise find difficult.
Enable Ireland focuses on the delivery of Digital Assistive Technology services as we recognise the huge role technology plays in all our lives.
These days most mainstream digital technologies have tools built in to make them easier to use. As a result, many people with disabilities can access mainstream technologies and may not require specially designed assistive technologies. In practice most people now use a mix of mainstream and assistive technologies to live more independently.
People use AT to work and play, to learn and teach, to create and consume. From supporting practical daily living needs, to facilitating creativity or participation in leisure activities. We see technology as being a key element in Enable Ireland’s mission of working in partnership with those who use the services to achieve maximum independence, choice and inclusion in their communities.
Look at the video below to see what AT means to some Enable Ireland Service Owners.
What does Assistive Technology mean to you? A video showing what AT means to some of Enable Ireland’s Service Owners.
Enable Ireland AT Training Service provide advice, support, and training in all areas of AT. If this is the beginning of your AT journey, please look at the AT – Where to start? section. The AT Social page has links to categorized posts from our AT and Me Blog as well as links to our presence on social media. The AT Training page outlines all training options both online and face to face. Our AT and Advocacy page outlines the Disability Advocacy initiatives we are involved in. Finally, if you are a manager or employer, you can find resources on the AT Services for Employers page.