Horizon Therapeutics reached out to Enable Ireland with an offer of support during a challenging period for our service provision. Horizon’s support helped to fund our disability services during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic.
In recent years, Horizon Therapeutics has provided vital funding for key projects in Enable Ireland’s children’s services including the refurbishment of our Galway Children’s Service and our respite services for children and families.
In Galway, Enable Ireland provides health and social services to over 700 children (0 – 18 years) in Galway City and County. We have embarked upon an ambitious refurbishment of our children’s service centre to support the increased number of children attending our service and the expanded range of disabilities that we now support. The Enable Ireland building in Galway was designed for children with physical disabilities 24 years ago and is badly in need of refurbishment both from a wear and tear perspective and importantly, to accommodate children with intellectual disabilities and autism with an appropriate setting to meet their needs. Horizon is supporting us in realising this goal for those in our care.
Respite is one of the essential services that Enable Ireland provides for children and young people with disabilities. Respite can provide a lifeline to families caring for a child with complex physical, sensory and medical needs 24 hours a day. It gives families a much-needed planned respite break whether that is for a weekend or a few hours (for example a Saturday Club). For children with disabilities, respite breaks are often their first taste of independence.
Horizon is helping fund respite services for children and families in Leinster and the North East.