Teaching kids essential life skills can be a rewarding journey, filled with moments of progress and achievement. Patience, encouragement, and consistency will be your allies as you guide your child toward independence in dressing and self-care.
In the third video of a five-part-series, tips on adapting and modifying the task or the clothes are discussed. For example, this includes tips & strategies on choosing the right socks, learning to put on clothes the right way around, creating a dressing checklist or problem solving together with your child.
If you have further questions or need to troubleshoot individual challenges your child experiences, please contact the occupational therapist in your local children's disability network team.
In this video:
00:00 Intro & modifications
1:53 Further tips: checklist, problem-solving, adaptations
Websites mentioned for sensory-friendly clothing: https://sensorysmart.co.uk/collection...
Find out more about the MATCH approach: M.A.T.C.H. Flyers: A Resource for Educators - https://www.canchild.ca/en/resources/... https://elearningcanchild.ca/dcd_work...
SMART goals: https://www.scirp.org/(S(czeh2tfqyw2o...
Mary Sheridan's book From Birth To Five Years: https://www.books.ie/mary-sheridan-s-...
Backward chaining technique in-depth: https://www.nhsggc.org.uk/media/26837...