Applegreen Corporate Partner
Enable Ireland partnered with Applegreen as one of their chosen charities from 2020 - 2022. During this time, support from Applegreen’s staff and customers provided funding for Enable Ireland's respite services, and projects that help us to provide the best possible support to the children and young people in our care. Read more about the partnership highlights below.

Partnership Highlights
One of the projects supported by Applegreen's Charitable Fund is our Respite House in Rathmore, Wicklow. Luke Mannering is an Enable Ireland Service Owner, and attends Rathmore House regularly. Luke is also an Applegreen employee! Read Luke's story here.
Enable Ireland provides essential therapy and support services to over 13,000 children and young people with disabilities, and their families. One of the vital services we provide is Respite Care for over 500 children and their families every year. For children with disabilities, these breaks away from home are often their first taste of independence.
Speaking at the launch of the partnership, Enable Ireland CEO John O’Sullivan said: “We are delighted to have been selected as one of Applegreen’s chosen charities. Support from Applegreen’s staff and customers will go towards our respite services and enable us to provide the best possible support to the children and young people in our care.”