After studying social care in college, Ian went on to work in residential settings and then joined Enable Ireland Adult Services in September 2022. He joined as a care worker and then moved into a key worker role. Ian is now a Team Leader, supervises social care students on placement and has expertise in working with challenging behaviours.

“I find working in the day service is so inclusive. We get to sit down and set goals with the guys for things that they want to achieve or do. There can be lots of road blocks for people who are wheelchair users but we can always work to find ways around it.
Recently there was a service users who had been wanting to visit Amsterdam for years. I got to work with him before we left, helping him with planning, booking accommodation etc I went with him to provide support over there. Now Amsterdam is probably not the most wheelchair friendly city so there were loads of challenges when we got there but it was a dream come true for him!”
“There has been great career progression since I joined and I’ve had a lot of opportunities to learn new skills since I joined. I completed a ten week Assistive Technology course and that has really given me a great foundation in AT which I can use with the service owners I support and with other staff.
Management here are really encouraging. If we come to them with a suggestion they help us look for solutions on how we can get things done. They help us to find the funding and make it happen.”
“It is a brilliant team to work on. Everyone is always up for trips and outings, really enthusiastic group and very diverse in terms of backgrounds and experience. We have physiotherapists, social care workers, nurses, SNAs, family support workers and people of all different ages. When one of the service owners achieves something we are all buzzing. We all feel a sense of achievement and celebration.
I would recommend Enable Ireland as an employer to friends and college mates. If you work hard you will find opportunities here to progress your career. That has been my experience.”