Born in Cork city in 1974, James Cripps has spent his entire life defying he odds. His published autobiography tells the story of how he has lived his life to the full. Not only has he beaten the odds, he has flourished.

“In 2020 with the Covid outbreak, I found myself with lots of time on my hands and my brother Tom said to me ‘You have fierce memories, why don’t you write a book?’ So that’s what I did. I started with two notebooks and I put my memories in them. I dictated them to my PA starting with my school days, my love of all things sports and then working on up to my life today. I wrote about my disability. I was diagnosed with quadriplegic cerebral palsy when I was a baby but being in a wheelchair has never fazed me. My wheels are my legs, my chair give me my independence.
Lots of family and friends helped me along the way to get my book finished. My godmother’s daughter helped me come up with the title ‘At the Heart of the Action’. It reflects how I have been at the heart of my large family. I’ve a team of 12 at home between my family, personal assistants and Enable Ireland assisting me. I’m at the heart of that and I’m very grateful to have that support. I am also an avid sports fan and it really speaks to that. It struck a chord with me.
My family are very important in my story. I had two sisters and four brother. My sister, Emer, sadly passed away and within the same 24 months my Mum and Dad also passed away. In my book I call this period of my life ‘The Hard Yards.’ You expect your parents to pass on before you but I was not expecting to lose my sister. My work got me through that period and, of course, my better half Danielle was a great support.
I couldn’t put a price on the support I have had from my family throughout my life. I’ll give you an example, I’ve been in hospital before and I was missing home cooked food. I just had to make a call to my sister or my sister in law and I’d have a delicious home cooked carbonara delivered straight to my bedside.
The book launch was incredible. There were over 250 people at it in Nemo Rangers Club and An Taoiseach Micheál Martin spoke at it. He is a longtime friend of the family and it was an incredible honor and privilege to have An Taoiseach launching my book. That day was also my late sister’s birthday, so it was a very emotional day for me.
I have to thank my great friend, Jim Cremin, as well for spurring me on to finish my book. Jim has sadly passed away but he put a rocket under me to finish the book. I feel I honored his memory by completing the book. Lots of family and friends helped me along the way to get my book finished. I must praise my godmother, Mary, who acted as my editor and got me and my book ready for publishing.
My advice to others is that if you really want something then see it to the finish. The road may be long and tough but it will be worth it to get to the finish line. I was honored to finish my autobiography on behalf of my mother, father and sister.”
James Cripps was born in Cork City in 1974 and attends Enable Ireland adult services in Carrigaline. His book ‘At the Heart of the Action: A Memoir’ was published in 2022. Copies of his book are available via or