Life With No Limits Champion - Enda Gallagher
Man Zip Lining With Green Trees in Background
Life With No Limits Champion, Enda Gallagher, Zip Lining
Enda Gallagher Tries Out Zip Lining


Over the summer, Enda Gallagher went zip lining for the first time. Enda had a fantastic experience and would recommend anyone to give it a go!

“I had never been zip lining before and the opportunity came up when I though sure why not, I’ll give it a go! I didn’t even tell my mother before I went. I thought to myself ‘I’m 46, if I don’t do this now, I’ll never do it’. So I gave it a go.

The staff in Enable Ireland in Quinn’s Cross provided the transport to the zip line and organized everything we needed. My first time doing it I was scared. I’ve never been able to go on a big wheel as they are not accessible to people using wheelchairs but this was different.

The staff were amazing. They were very helpful and made sure we were safe doing it. They took me out of my wheelchair, helped me to put on all the protective gear and get into the harness. Then hoisted me up to the top of the zip line and off I went flying on the zip line 50 meters up in the air!!!

I’ve done it twice now and I’d recommend anyone to give it a go. It’s a great experience. My message this Life With No Limits campaign is don’t be scared to try new things. I tried it and I loved it. I definitely want to do it again in the New Year.

Enda Gallagher is a service owner attending Enable Ireland Day Service in Quinn’s Cross, Limerick.