Powerlifter and MC, Josh shares his story.

Josh from Cloghane, Tralee, who attends Enable Ireland Adult Services in Kerry is a 2024 Life With No Limits Champion. He is on a journey to compete in powerlifting while using the skills and knowledge he’s learnt to help and inspire others.
“Before I acquired my disability and lost my vision, I was very active. I did boxing regularly with my brothers and cousins as well as power lifting. My uncle, Frank Richard, was Mr Olympia and Mr. Universe for 5 years in the 80s and he was a great inspiration to me. After I had my accident, the first thing I wanted to do when I got out of the hospital was go to the gym. I must have asked my parents hundreds of times while I was there. To return to the gym was important for my independence, I didn’t want to let my accident hold me back.
At that time, I was living in Doncaster, UK, and when I came home, I started going to a local gym with my family. When I moved to Ireland with my family in 2015, I found a gym in Dingle. During my first session there, my PT took me around every machine and free weights to test which part of the body it trains and I got them all correct!
For the past two years, I have been training with Victory Fitness in Tralee. My PT at Victory Fitness is brilliant. Our sessions are very technical, we don’t just train the body, we train the mind. My focus is currently on powerlifting and I want to enter my first competition by the end of this year. The deadlift is my favourite and strongest exercise, but I am pleased with the progress I’ve made in the chest press and squats and all other exercises too."

"My love of exercising has also led me to studying a Personal Training course at Kerry Education Training Board KETB. Using the skills I’ve learnt here I’ve worked with Enable Ireland leading exercise meditation sessions with our virtual services. After my accident, I was worried whether I would get noticed again and that people might judge me. But Enable Ireland recognised my skills and offered me a job. I really appreciate that. Through Microsoft Teams I connect with Enable Ireland Adult service users across the country and guide everyone in stretches and breathing exercises. It feels great to use my abilities and the knowledge I’ve gained to encourage others to get moving.
Recently, I did a power-lifting fundraiser to support two local charities, Meals on Wheels Tralee and St Vincent De Paul. I went to a public place and did some training using a bike, ground work exercises, and a weight bar for 2 hours. Thanks to everyone who donated I managed to raise over €2,000.
My other passion is MCing, my cousin is a DJ and I used to love MCing to his music and going on nights out. After I had my accident, I wanted to organise a disco where people with disabilities could attend and not feel excluded. I wanted to create something that was accessible to everyone. I collaborated with other service users in Enable Ireland Tralee to put on a club event which was non-hostile and in a safe environment. We created a space where people with disabilities could dance, enjoy music, and socialise while sharing their stories. There have been three events in the last few years. The first was at Benners Tralee and reached full capacity with queues outside! Since then we have had two other annual events in Mermaids Listowel. I hope to keep these going with another event soon.
My goal in life is to lift trophies and chins. I want to inspire other people to achieve, to discover their abilities, and live life with no limits.”
Josh Moore is one of Enable Ireland’s 2024 Life With No Limits Champions.
Every year Enable Ireland needs over €2 million in additional funding to meet the costs of delivering our services. This €2 million shortfall comes from our charity shops and our fundraising activities. Enable Ireland’s annual ‘Life With No Limits’ campaign takes place during the month of September. The campaign gives a platform to children and adults with disabilities in our services to share their stories and talk about how they live Life with No Limits.
You can support Enable Ireland’s services for over 13,000 children and adults with disabilities by:
- Donating online at www.enableireland.ie
- Dropping a bag of quality pre-loved items into any TK Maxx store or Enable Ireland charity shop
- Supporting our volunteers out collecting during September.