Kilkenny Preschool
Our special preschool is funded by the HSE to provide services to children who have identified additional needs, such as physical, intellectual or sensory.

- Three preschool rooms with six children per room
- Transport
- Hydrotherapy
- Outdoor play areas
- Indoor soft play area
- Multisensory room
- 2:1 staff ratio
- Family Support Service
Staffing in each room consists of:
One Senior Child Care Worker (RNID trained) – the keyworker who is responsible for the overall care of your child, devising his/her programme and who is your main point of contact.
Two Child Care Assistants who are responsible for carrying out your child’s individual programmes. Individual programmes incorporating therapy and classroom programmes.
We work in partnership with the preschools in the community to ensure consistency and support across both placements for your child.
The team will meet with you every year to decide on goals for the coming year. This is called a Person Centred Plan Meeting (PCP).
Clinics with community paediatrician. Liaising with CDNT therapy teams.
In our preschool we provide a play-based curriculum that is guided by the national curriculum framework Aistear in partnership with our therapy services. Our team adopt a family-centered approach that recognises each child’s individuality and potential.
Enable Ireland is governed by policies and procedures under TUSLA and The Children First Act. All policies are accessible to all parents at any time.
You will need a referral from a Paediatrician and Children's Disability Network Team.
There is no cost for the service.
Children receive a max of 2 days per week and we support all children to attend local mainstream preschool.
The preschool is open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10am-2.30pm. Wednesdays: 10am-1.30pm
Each child settles in at their own pace and we work with the parents and the child to achieve this.
Each child has their own individual programme - incorporated in this is the preschool Aistear Curriculum and their therapy programmes
- Sand and Water Play
- Painting
- Arts and Crafts
- Music and Story Circles
- Puzzles
- Turn Taking and Group work
- Computers
- Floor and Pretend Play
No, but when the time is right we will support you and your child to successfully meet this goal
Yes, we have a healthy eating policy.
A change of clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste, and where appropriate nappies, wipes, swimming togs and towel.
Kilkenny Preschool
O’Neill Centre
St Joseph’s Road