West Kerry Children's Services
Provides services to children aged from birth to 18 years with complex needs who live in the areas of Tralee and Dingle.

Kerry Intervention & Disability Services is a partnership between the HSE, Enable Ireland, Brothers of Charity, and St. John of Gods. It provides services to children and young people (up to the age of 18 years) with complex needs. Enable Ireland manages Kerry Intervention & Disability Services - Tralee Team.
Children aged from birth to 18 years with complex needs who live in the areas of Tralee and Dingle.
Children aged from birth to 18 years may be referred for services.
If you have a concern about a child’s development, ‘Children’s Services Referral Form’ can be completed by parents/legal guardians, health and social care professionals, GPs, education professionals, assessment of need officers or case managers. The completed forms can be sent to their local Children’s Disability Network Team. It is essential that signed parental consent is recorded on the referral form.
A referral can be made by a healthcare professional. Or you can make the referral yourself.
To do this:
- Complete the Children’s Services Referral Form (PDF, 106 KB, 11 pages)
- Complete an Additional Information Form for your child
The Additional Information Form lets you describe your child and what your concerns are. It will help to refer them to the right service for them.
Complete the Additional Information Form for children aged:
- 0 to 12 months (PDF, 130 KB, 7 pages)
- 1 to 3 years old (PDF, 204 KB, 10 pages)
- 3 to 6 years old (PDF, 221 KB, 12 pages)
- 6 to 12 years old (PDF, 183 KB, 10 pages)
- 12 to 18 years old (PDF, 166 KB, 9 pages)
These forms allow all PDS teams and disciplines/services to accept and prioritise referrals on a consistent and equitable basis.
Services are delivered through an Interdisciplinary Team. This is a group of different health professionals that work together and in partnership with the child and their family. The child and family are key members of this team. Depending on a child’s need, members of the child’s team may include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, psychology and social work. There are other disciplines on the team that can be accessed if a need is identified.
The team will provide supports for the child across a variety of settings including the home, education settings such as pre-school or school, community settings or within the CDNT centre.
The CDNT’s operate through a Family-Centred Practice model. This is an approach that focuses on the whole family and not just the child requiring support. It ensures that the family's priorities are considered when settling goals with the family.
All families that have a child attending the CDNT will have a keyworker. The keyworker will be named contact and act as a link between the family and the team. They will support families with any queries they may have about their service.
All families attending the CDNT will have an Individual Family Support Plan (IFSP). This is an agreed plan that identifies the child and family’s goals and priorities. The IFSP will also describe supports needed to achieve these goals. The IFSP looks at and documents the child’s strengths and achievements since the last plan was completed. As children grow and develop the goals on their IFSP will change with them.
West Kerry Children's Services
Orchard Way,
Oakview Village,
Co. Kerry,
V92 PW26